At Mill Cove Nursing Home Volunteers play a big role in providing the quality of life that our residents deserve.

We have many activities for our residents and ways for our volunteers to offer their help.
- Visitations
- Cooking
- Reading
- Crafts
- Physical Activity Programs
- Card Games
- Bingo
- Entertainment (Music, Singing, etc.)
- Gardening
- Seasonal Decorating
- Pet Therapy/Pet Visits
- Nail Care
- Pastoral Services
- Sensory Stimulation (Snoezelen/Aromatherapy)
- Therapeutic Music Program
- Bus Driver (Class 4 License)
- Medical Appointment Accompaniment
- Resident Outing
If you are interested in volunteering your time please do not hesitate to contact one of our three Activity Directors at 488-3033.
Also note that our volunteer application can be downloaded from our website.